The Department of Innovation in Biology, Agri-food and Forest systems (DIBAF) is a research and multidisciplinary education laboratory for the scientific and technological innovation of the following processes: exploitation, conservation and management of biological systems and forestry resources, food processing and security, human health and chemical processes for the environment, with special attention to environmental sustainability at the University of Tuscia (UNITUS). UNITUS is a multidisciplinary international University that claims a place among Italian’s top centres of research and teaching. UNITUS represents an engine for local development, producing innovative processes concerning both research and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), and is internationally active. UNITUS has institutional bilateral agreements with partners in Europe, USA, Asia and South Africa for the exchange of academic staff, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. At a EU level, UNITUS boasts a history of great management of projects within the Lifelong Learning Programme framework, Erasmus+ mobility programme, FP67 and H2020. UNITUS comprises seven departments, a Consortium for InterDisciplinary Research (CIRDER) and a Major Analytical Instrumentation Center (MAIC).